Getting ready to free our butterfly
This is a fun and educating expriment, teaching my children the life cycle of a butterfly.
A box of 2 caterpillars cost $2, comes with food for the caterpillars, basically some leaves they loves. Just need to throw in a leaf every morning after clearing their poo poo. After they turned into pupa, there's no need to feed anymore. Just sit back, relax and wait till it turned into a butterfly. This exercise gets the adults all excited too. I witnessed my husband checking out the pupa every morning when he wakes up and night when he came back from work. My mum called me in the middle of my work to tell me excitedly that it had turned into a beautiful butterfly. If you are keen, you can buy them from:
Oh Chin Huat Hydroponic Farms (Pte) Ltd
Nee Soon Agrotechnology Parks
14A, Bah Soon Pah Road, Singapore 769970.
Tel: 65-67538011