I helped the GEMs made 2 bunches of flowers for TPY Ah Ma for her birthday. It's cut of from their handprints and fold into flower petals. Very sweet.
We booked a karaoke room for Ah Ma and our relatives to sing their hearts out. Pearl and Tory also 高歌一曲。 They sang the 小鸡的呐喊. My mum had been teaching both to sing this song.
I brought the GEMs to Pasir Ris Park with Jean's, Claris's and Karen's princesses.
Gallop Stable The GEMs enjoyed themselves feeding the ponies (er..only Amber, Pearl didn't dare to do it) and riding the ponies. I nearly had my toes crushed by the ponies. The man-in-charge didn't warned me that I have to be careful as I was in my slippers. Anyway, the GEMs enjoyed it so it's worth it. The horsey ride and feeds costs S$10 and S$2 each. Pearl had 2 rounds of rides.
Kite Flying All of us bought our kites at one of the kite shop at the park, except for Gwyneth, who had brought her huge penguin kite along. All the mummies were sweating and running like mad women trying to fly the kite but 天不做媒,our kites just won't fly.
We had lunch at White Sands (took a cab) and then went back to the Park again. The mega playground was very fun for the kids. All of them enjoyed it very much.
I must thank Jean, Claris and Karen for helping me at times with the GEMs. Very tiring but it's heartwarming to see that they enjoyed the day.