This day had finally come. We are finally bringing the GEMs to the zoo today. Have been postponing this trip for one reason after another. Either one of them fell sick, or it rained. Pearl had been look forwarding to this trip.
The GEMs simply went to choose the best Tiny Explorer and happily sit in it while Papa is purchasing the tickets. These 2 brats hor, cannot tahan leh. Told Papa dun rent the Tiny Explorer as it's very inconvenient to have it around. Said the GEMs like it then rent lor.
不听老人言,吃亏在眼前。 True enough, by the time we reach the Tiger enclosure, he knew he made the wrong decision. Very difficult to pull it along the walkway and it's blocking other ppl too. We decided to return it before we venture even further away from the entrance. Wah liao, end up we paid S$15 for that 10 mins.
Mei gets so excited whenever she sees an animal. This is Pearl's 6th time to the zoo, so she's more looking forward to the Rainforest Kids' World where there's a waterplay area. She's never mind there before.
It's pretty fun but I should have brought their swimming gears instead. Will sure go again, fully equipped, the next time.