At 10th day old, Amber didn't passed her jaundice test, our PD ordered that either we admit her to the hospital to bring down her jaundice level, or rent the equipment and do the light therapy at home ourselves. The rental was for S$100 each day for at least 3 days. We chose the latter as we've seen many babies being left to do the light therapy in the baby room crying like mad. Its a bit troublesome as we need to bring her down to Mt E to draw blood and check her jaundice level every day. But we really can't bear to leave her alone in the hospital.
It was so terrifying for her, as well as me, as it was quite hot, with light shining from up and below. She also keeps sweeping away the eye mask and I need to be constantly beside her to put it back and also to soothe her. Her skin was all wrinkled and peeling. My heart really aches.

Fortunately, her third day's test was alright and we do not have to do this anymore. Phew! What an experience...

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