Linda, Jess, Careen and myself took leave on this VERY BIG DAY. The others, Winnie, Hui and Jessmei meet up for dinner in the evening. We 4 beaus played mahjong after our breakfast of Kopi and Toast (xi bey ah soh sia!).
Careen, we must always remember to take photos tog, dont' look so contrasting standing with the rest of the ah sans...haha
We managed to just play 2 1/2 rounds of mahjong. In the end, the 2 san bohs won the 2 ah buis....see...big no use... 好看不好吃。
Jess and I had other stuff to do, hence, cannot join the rest of the beaus for the evening program. Winnie 放飞机 grrrhhh
Linda and Careen proceeded to meet Hui and Jessmei for dinner at EN grill and bar at Mhd Sultan.

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