Sunday, January 10, 2010

We're ballerinas now!

I enrolled Pearl for ballet class this year in the hope that it'll help her improve her poise and be a little more elegant. GemPapa said she's as "chor lor" as mummy!!! Arrrggghhhh!

I brought Amber along on Pearl's first day. Amber was so excited and wanted to join the bigger girls. I've asked whether Amber can join in just for fun (but of coz fees must also be paid lah) but to our dismay, Teacher Jenny said the class is only for 5yrs and above.   However, Teacher Jenny nicely allowed her to join in "just for fun and only for today". However, by the end of the lesson, Teacher Jenny said she's quite ready to join the bigger girls and she's allowed to have the lessons together with Pearl! The GEMs are so happy to be able to have their ballet lessons together and GemMummy is so happy to be granted 1 hour of silence every Sunday...hahahahaha 真是皆大欢喜!!!

We're taking a bus to our ballet class!

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